Our children in CFAI are really talented. Many of them, have a gift or Talent of Music. And we are very happy to help our children identify their gifts and talents and give them the chance to develop these gifts. And Music has always been very important in CFAI. One Visitors recently said, “your children are really WORSHIPPERS”. And yes, for our children, music is more than just for fun, music is their way of being thankful to God. Like it says in Psalms 147:7 “Sing to the LORD with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp”. The hearts of our children are filled with gratefulness when they worship the LORD. Our Staff and Houseparent’s have invested a lot into teaching the children further on their talents. For many children and teens, their musical talent was a way GOD brought healing to their lives of their traumatic experiences of the past. Few years ago, CFAI was even able to record a first CD ALBUM called “WHY AM I HERE”, with six songs where teenagers express their journey with GOD from someone who was lost without hope, living in the streets, into young talented men and women who have found new HOPE in God. Music was always a helpful tool for the development and healing of our children.
The more we are glad, that since this February 2020, one of the great Music Schools in Cebu City, have offered a Scholarship to many of our children and teens to receive professional Music Lessons. Every Saturday, many of our children receive lessons for the following Instruments: Guitar, Piano, Drums, Violin and Vocals.
We are grateful for the heart of the Owners of the Music School, to help us invest into the talents of our children. Last week the children had their first Music Lessons and they are so excited they can hardly wait for next week.
Every Friday night, the said Music Scholars are leading all the other CFAI children in worship during our weekly Discipleship Training. This is also a great example for all the smaller kids, seeing the older children and teenagers, using their gifts and talents to praise and serve GOD.