"Schon bei unserem ersten Besuch bei CFA in Cebu waren wir beeindruckt von dem leidenschaftlichen Engagement der Mitarbeiter. Deshalb haben wir uns entschlossen, mit einer Patenschaft diese großartige Arbeit zu unterstützen."
Marianne und Wilfried Köhler

Christ for Asia International provides former Streetchildren a true home: Acceptance, Belongingness, provision, and dignity. Here they can find hope for the future and deal with the traumatic experiences of the past. With 60.-€ per month, you can provide a home and hope for tomorrow. Your sponsorship brings sustainable transformation to the life of a former Streetchild’s life.
Nehemiah School of opportunities
Education is an escape from poverty – but in the Philippines, it is a privilege for those who can effort. With the school assistance program of Christ for Asia International children from our home as well as from different slums can go to school.
With your monthly support of 30.-€, you create for a child the opportunity to study and a chance to break free from the bondage of poverty through education.
Daily our street workers are on 9 different social hotspots to provide a warm meal to more than 1000 Children per week besides there is a basic medical provision given and with a Values Formation program the love of God is brought into places into the mids of the hostspots of misery in Cebu.
With 25.-€ you provide a warm meal for 10 children on a weekly schedule